Chase Collum
Already the plant has delivered more than 1.5 billion gallons of locally-controlled water to San Diego County.
Despite continued pleas of innocence, two of Brazil’s top executives have recently tendered their resignations in the face of Lava Jato.
A new portfolio management team will be leading BlackRock’s $314.9m utility and infrastructure trust four years after its creation.
The transaction represents the third of four planned between the Dutch investor and the Canadian developer.
Maryland has not yet committed to utilising a P3 to develop the $2bn project but contenders hold out hope.
The new unit will act as a sounding board on the viability of using PPPs in infrastructure projects.
A total of 15 infrastructure investors participated in the $827m transaction.
Louisiana State University originally had 10 parties interested in its combined student housing and social infrastructure project.
The Michigan Project Delivery Act would authorise alternative methods to finance infrastructure projects, including controversial toll roads.
Ex-KPMG Seth Miller Gabriel will be the first executive director of the new facility.