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Infrastructure's continuous evolution will require new skill sets, create job opportunities and drive up pay packages for investment professionals, according to recruitment firm Sousou Partners.
The funds offer investors two strategies of varying risk and are targeting gross returns ranging between 9% and 14%.
The latest round of fundraising for the Super Core series follows on from the close of Series 1 on €2.5bn in June 2018.
Survey results show that marginal loss factor volatility is increasing the cost of capital, says one investor, who also criticised the Australian regulator for being 'more interested in preserving the past'.
Darryl Murphy’s promotion from head of infrastructure debt to the newly created role comes just under three years since his arrival from KPMG.
Diana Callebaut's departure comes a little over a week since the superannuation fund announced its CEO, David Atkin, would also be stepping down by mid-2020.
The Dutch firm has put London-based partner Paul Nash, who has been with DIF since 2008, in charge of the strategy.
The New York-based firm collected commitments from 240 global LPs, a strong sign that 'investors like the asset class, like the opportunity set,' GIP’s chairman said.
Global Renewable Power III, which has so far garnered funds mostly from Europe, will begin deployment next year.
The firm has already made its first investment, acquiring a 44% stake in Germany’s A8 motorway from InfraVia and Egis.