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Infra is increasingly attracting the unwanted attention of cyber-criminals. Starting with the US and taking in Europe and Australia, we offer a view of the regulatory environment in these regions.
There’s more at stake in Australia’s review of Chinese-owned Landbridge Group’s long-term lease of the Port of Darwin than national security.
The government’s superannuation reforms, which were heavily criticised in some quarters for using crude benchmarks, will use MSCI’s unlisted benchmarks after industry consultation.
In trying to deliver investor certainty and climate relief with its Sustainable Finance Taxonomy, the EU has come up with a solution which may well do the opposite.
Philippe Busslinger, the Canadian pension’s head of infrastructure in Europe, explains what was behind its 8.6% return last year and how it plans to battle increased competition.
All Chinese investors were essentially classed as sovereign capital by the government last year, sources say, but the stance may be softening in 2021.
Market to take cue from Openreach’s 10-12% return requirement as Ofcom pledges not to introduce cost-based regulation for at least a decade.
The first stage of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) requiring manager compliance kicked off on March 10. But questions remain about proper disclosure and the effectiveness of complying with EU green initiatives.
Controversial Your Future, Your Super changes will remove an exemption to asset disclosure that has allowed superfunds to avoid revealing the value of some unlisted assets.
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg ruled in favour of Port of Newcastle, partly owned by MIRA-managed The Infrastructure Fund, in a dispute over access with the NSW Minerals Council.